Sunday, March 22, 2009

A new TF2 map, CP_Anasazi

Haven't updated in a while, seemed like a good idea today. Working on a new map, CP_Anasazi, a capture point map for Team Fortress 2, based on the Anasazi Indian cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde National Park. Going to try and take a roadtrip out there to get a better feel for the place if I have the chance. Only a 14 hour drive, not too bad.

Making custom models and textures for this map (Maya and Photoshop), I'll post when I get them done.

I'm also waiting for the Left 4 Dead SDK to come out, as I'd like to give mapping for L4D a try. Lots of good zombie scenarios come to mind, and it's a really fun game to play. The best co-op game in existence, quite possibly. Definitely the first one where helping your team mate is not a chore *and* something that extends your chance of survival.

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